Hemoglobin Color Scale Kit

Hemoglobin Color Scale Kit

  • Portable and non-electric design.
  • Measures hemoglobin levels between 4-14 g/dL.
  • Provides fast results within 30 to 60 seconds.
  • Includes a lancet, test strips, and a six-shade comparator card.
  • A cost-effective method with low cost per test.

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    What is 3 + 1?

    The Hemoglobin Colour Scale Kit offers a simple and reasonable way to measure hemoglobin levels without laboratory equipment. It uses a colour-based comparison to find concentrations, providing reliable results quickly. The kit includes needles, test strips, and a comparator card with six colour shades representing different hemoglobin levels.


    • The estimation of hemoglobin levels at point-of-care settings.
    • Suitable for areas lacking access to laboratory facilities.
    • It is ideal for use in clinics, rural health centres, and during field surveys.

    Technical Specification

    Model YA-H2-1
    Overall Size 2100*950*500-800mm
    Lying surface 1950*900mm
    Back section adjustable 0mm to 60mm
    Height adjustable 500-800mm
    Safe working load 200kg